Products and Solutions for Vehicle and Fuel Monitoring


"Wired" stationary fuel tanks monitoring:
The simple way for monitoring fuel level (fuel volume) in fuel tanks that located near office (monitoring room).
In general system allows:
  • real time monitor fuel level (fuel volume) in fuel tanks;
  • store fuel history for each fuel tank;
  • visualisation fuel level in fuel tank;
  • generate fuel graphs, reports for fuel tanks.
  In fuel tank installed GuardMagic DLLE or GuardMagic DLLS fuel level sensors.
  Fuel level sensors connected to monitored PC by connection cable (sensor serial connection).
  Fuel level sensors send to PC by connection cable information about fuel level in fuel tank.
  Monitoring software receive this information and store it in data base.
  Based on stored information, monitoring software calculate data and generate necessary graphs, reports etc.
     1) EASY VERSION (support up to THREE fuel tanks):

  • PC (Personal Computer with USB interface);
  • "EasyTank" software (FREE, support up to THREE fuel tanks).
  • EIA-485/USB interface adapter (GuardMagic SCA or similar);
  • Connection cable (connect fuel level sensors to interface adapter);
  • Fuel level sensor GuardMagic DLLS+ barrier GuardMagic JBB01 (or GuardMagic DLLS fuel level sensors). Up to THREE fuel level sensors);


     2) STANDARD VERSION (support up to 14 fuel tanks):

  • PC (Personal Computer with USB interface);
  • "TankMonitor" software (support up to FOURTEEN fuel tanks).
  • EIA-485/USB interface adapter (GuardMagic SCA or similar);
  • Connection cable (connect fuel level sensors to interface adapter);
  • Fuel level sensor GuardMagic DLLS+ barrier GuardMagic JBB01 (or GuardMagic DLLS fuel level sensors). Up to FOURTEEN fuel level sensors);


    3) ADVANCED VERSION (support up to 14 fuel tanks):

  • PC (Personal Computer with USB interface);
  • "TankMonitor" software (support up to FOURTEENfuel tanks).
  • TWO EIA communication line;
  • Fuel tank data logger (GuardMagic FTL);
  • TWO EIA-485 communication interface
  • Connection cable (connect sensors with "Fuel Datat Logger");
  • Fuel level sensor GuardMagic DLLS+ barrier GuardMagic JBB01 (or GuardMagic DLLS fuel level sensors). Up to FOURTEEN fuel level sensors);
  • support up to 14 fuel level sensors;
  • TWO EIA-485 communication line;
  • GuardMagic FTL collect data from fuel level sensor, stored data in internal memory and sent data to PC, when PC is ready;
  • Monitor tanks: "PC ON", "PC Off", disconnect communication line from PC.


Main notes:

  • as usual used GuardMagic DLLE fuel level sensor with GuardMagic JBB01 safety barrier;
  • If in fuel tank are not explosive fuel (diesel fuel etc), can be use GuardMagic DLLS fuel level sensor (without barrier).

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